Friday, January 16, 2009

Drs. Appt Today

I had my dr's aptt today, I am currently 22 weeks along. Everything looked pretty good. The baby's heartbeat was 144. I was looking at myths of heartbeats and I have read two conflicting things. One site said the myth was low heart rate, girl. The other said low heart rate, boy. But it doesn't really matter because it is only accurate 50% of the time, so I might as well just keep guessing. Will's heartbeat was in the 140s when I went in to have him.

Also, my uterus measured at 20 weeks which doesn't surprise me because I always measured 2 weeks small with Will also.

The next dr's appt is on the 13th of Feb at 4:15. I will be 26 weeks then and we will have just gotten back that sunday from sioux falls.

I talked to my dr about traveling also, he just said to make sure I moved my legs. I remembered that from when I traveled when I was pregnant with Will, which ironically was at exactly the same time during my pregnancy.

I am still a little iffy on my blood pressure though. It was 135/92, which isn't extremely normal for me. I am usually in the 110-120s/75-80s. But since I had Will my bp has been like a roller coaster. Hopefully I can keep the bp normal at least until week 36, I am crossing my fingers.

Also, AFP blood test came normal! So yay, we we're very excited about that. There is always that nagging fear in the back of your mind, wondering if something is wrong. I am glad that everything is normal.

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