Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow, Cold, and musings

Just some quick updates before I get the boys up from their naps.

Harry's been under the weather lately. He started with a temp on Thursday and obviously wasn't acting like himself. Today he is feeling much better but still has a slight temp so he's apparently still fighting something. I am just dreading Will getting sick because he is one of the neediest kid's when he is sick (not that I blame him but it can get to be a little much.)

I have my 17 week Dr.'s appt on Wednesday. I will post more about that aftewards. So far everything has been going pretty good. Blood pressure has been really low so hoping to keep it that way. Baby's heart beat was 157 at 13 weeks and of course we had an ultrasound then too for the first trimester screening. All of our tests came back completely normal. I am just so amazed at how advanced ultrasound equipment is now. Even from when I was pregnant with Will they have really changed. I could see his (using that because assume baby's another little man and I will be using him to refer to the baby until I have been proven otherwise) little face, his nose, chin, arms, legs, feet. when we went in with Harry at 17 weeks the ultrasound equipment was very old school, the kind where you had to have your bladder full. HATE those kind of ultrasounds. It just makes it really, really uncomfortable and no fun. Anyway, it was hard to tell anything with that ultrasound and the tech didn't even try to look for his sex. I guess I don't blame him, I could barely tell where his head began and his feet ended. My Dr. for this pregnancy is not the one who delivered Will (technically two Dr.s delivered Will, my regular doc and the specialist who actually did the C-section.) He wasn't covered by my insurance and I decided to actually go with a different hospital. Sanford is fine but I've heard some great things about Avera so I looked into Dr.s and found Dr. Jodi Scott. So far like her a lot, even though she basically told me that she wouldn't have a vaginal birth after having two c-sections if it was her when I brought up me possibly having a vbac. I have kind of let that dream die I guess, after all the scary things she said to me about vbacs after 2 c-sections. I had really hoped I could do this the "normal" way this time but I am not willing to put my life or the baby's life in danger just because I want to have an experience that I feel as been denied to me. I, of course, cried when she said she didn't recommend me having a vbac because I have to admit, even after all this time, I am still terrified of c-sections. Yes, having the baby is the easy part. You have a spinal (which are terrible by the way), they lay you on a table, drap a cloth over you so you can't see that they are taking out some of your insides to scoop out the baby, and then staple you back to together when it's all done. No, that parts okay. It's afterwards when you realize that your insides feel like they want to burst right out of you midsection that you just kind of want to lay down and die. And of course, the first time they make you walk is like the walk from hell. And it takes weeks for you to finally feel better. Gah. I wanted to avoid all of that. is what it is. I can't go back in time and change Will's birth. Even if I hadn't had pre-eclampsia Will had his cord wrapped twice around his neck so I would have had to have a c-section no matter what.

Just on a quick note, it has finally snowed here. I hate it. It's cold and miserable. Yesterday it was like -20 with windchill. I was kind of hoping winter had skipped us by but to no avail.


  1. Having gone through both I think each delivery either vaginal or c-section has there complaints :) Laboring for hours and hours I could skip every time and instead of every thing feeling like it's falling out of your midsection it feels like it's going to fall out of your vagina lol and then you get so swollen down there you wonder if those are actually all your parts! There is still healing involved and some deliveries better for some than others but in the end each have their good and bad things and if I had to make the decision again I would probably opt for the c-section.

  2. It's nice to get a perspective from someone who has had both but I am not sure why you would choose c-section. I am curious as of why?
