Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas away from SD

Josh and I celebrated our first x-mas away from SD, away from the snow and the cold. Never once have either of us traveled for the holidays, so being in Cali for x-mas was a new experien
for both of us.

I was worried about Josh getting homesick and really missing his family around the holidays. I know what it is like to be far away from those you love, and I wanted to make sure that he knew that I wasn't overlooking his feelings. He seemed to handle it fairly well, I think that his family back home had a harder time than he did, which of course made me feel guilty. Whether I should or shouldn't feel guilty I don't know, but the fact is that I do.

Will was still oblivious to x-mas, enjoying the bows off of the presents the most. He got a lot of stuff and he is in heaven playing with all of his new toys. It is hard to believe that next year we will have two children at x-mas.

All-in-all we had a very good x-mas. Things have been rough for us lately, but we are trying to take a good outlook on everything. As long as we have each other, I can take whatever life wants to dish out at us. We can conquer anything.

Will playing with the bows.

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