Saturday, February 28, 2009

My walkin' little man

Will is walking! Yay! One day he decided it was okay to walk around and just started toddling everywhere. He loves to walk to the door when grandpa comes home. He is getting very confident. :D

He is also collecting a fair number of words he can say, although dada is his favorite. He can say momma (though he likes to save that one for very rare occasions lol) gamma (grandma), night night, and of course, dada. He can also wave bye-bye and makes a motion for all gone. He has figured out how to take of the tray on his highchair, which is very convenient. He can also open the dishwasher and pretty much anything else that he observes. Pens have been very fascinating for him and he actually scribbled in a notebook yesterday, it was pretty cute.

So he is making wonderful progress.

1 comment:

  1. All right! He's finally walking! But if he thinks pens are cool now, wait til he finds the breakable stuff, lol! They grow so fast!
