Monday, February 9, 2009

Our Trip back to SD

Well, Josh and I just arrived home on Sunday from our trip to SD. Overall it was a very good trip. The worst part, obviously, was actually getting there and then returning home. Will really is a very good boy, but a 3 hr flight, an hour and a half flight, and a 2 and a half hour drive are a lot to ask of a 16 month old. By the end of both trips, he was beside himself he was so tired. When we got home on Sunday, he went straight to bed (it was about 10:30) and he slept until about 9:00am. He then took a three hour nap AND went to bed at 6:00pm. He was one tired boy.

We spent the week at his parents house, seeing our nephew Trey for the first time and visiting with his family. We also did some shopping for Will and the new baby, which I always love. Shopping for my kids is my favorite thing to do.

When we returned home on Sunday though, I noticed that my fingers were feeling swollen, a lot like they did when I was pregnant with Will. I know that swelling is normal during pregnancy, just not sure how much. My mom and my husband agreed with me that my feet, my face, and my fingers all looked swollen. I am a little nervous about that, because apparently from the research that my mom and I have seen, preeclampsia likes to come on at about 26 weeks and I will be 26 weeks on Wed. So I am keeping an eye on the swelling and if it gets too bad I will call my doctor. We do have a drs appt on Friday so I am going to talk to him more thoroughly about my blood pressure and the swelling that I have experienced lately. I am actually hoping to switch to a high risk pregnancy dr when I go to Fresno community because I am very worried about my preeclampsia returning. There are times when I feel like my current dr is not acknowledging that I had preeclampsia in my last pregnancy. But he doesn't have any idea how bad my preeclampsia actually was, my dr told me that I had the second worst case he had ever seen and he had been a dr for over 35 years.

Anyways, had a good trip and now I am going to focus on staying healthy during the rest of my pregnancy. Crossing my fingers that I can keep my blood pressure down, but unfortunately for the most part, it is out of my hands.

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