Monday, March 2, 2009

Worn out

I have been trying so hard to stay fit. Josh and I go for a walk almost every day for at least an hour. I have been using some weights to work out and move around but it is so hard to stay motivated when I feel so tired and worn out all of the time. I have been having some problems with my c-section scar hurting in jeans that rubbed against it or pushed against it so I had to splurge for some super comfy hidden belly kapris. They feel really good and I have had less problems with my scar bothering me as long as I wear loose clothing.

I am a little nervous for the drs appt next week with our new dr. I am ALWAYS nervous when I got to the dr., and I don't know why. Drs make me anxious lol.

We have picked out a name for the new baby but I don't want to disclose it just yet. I want to keep it to ourselves for awhile. ;)

Will has moved from his highchair to a booster seat because he kept taking the tray off. Now he keeps pushing himself off of the table. It is so much fun to have a toddler. hehe

Josh leaves in 2 weeks and I am getting very....emotional but I don't want to ruin the time we have left together by being weepy. I want to enjoy our time together. I can't believe it is only 2 weeks! Those 4+ months are going to seem so long!!! Hopefully it goes by fast since I will literally have my hands full with our two children.

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